Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ground Rules

Now here's the thing, I seem, for one reason or another to be
getting dragged back, kicking and screaming to blogging again.
There was no one single reason why I stopped doing it before,
but the main reason, I suspect, is that it had become such a
FUCKING chore, trying to come up with the goods every
day, with fuck-all to show for it.
I was too lazy to start a new blog so I resurrected this old
one that I tried out back in the days, and I was looking at
Blunt Cogs the other day and was surprised to see " Like
Chicken" as a linked blog so I suppose I'll be found sooner
than later and this new Google thing has me linked to" Anti"
as well. In fairness though, I do/did miss all the smashing
people I met in our little corner of the Blogosphere

Friday, July 25, 2008


I've been doing some research today, there, I think I like
italics better, no that wasn't the research which I will
tell you more about some other time. The thing is that
I accidently came across Samphire which I have been
looking for for about 3 years ever since I came across
it in some now-forgotten recipe. It was on a stand at
a Farmer's Market at Leopardstown Racecourse. It
cost 20 Euro per Kilo, so I only bought a tenner's worth
in case it was crap.

It wasn't, I lightly boiled it and served it with Butter,
rather like you would with Mangetout or French Beans
and it was all I had expected and hoped it would be,
lush, scrunchy with a really fresh salty flavour. The
only thing was that we had it with Chicken ( Honey-
glazed with Rosemary if you must know) and it would
be much better served with fish.

We also bought some Durrus Cheese because for one,
I like it and also I like Durrus itself and visit there, not
often enough as I have a Sister who lives there.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Time for Divilment

I am totally fed-up at the moment and am seriously
considering going back to work.I know that in the past
I found it ( work) to be extremely time-consuming and,
to be honest, I only ever did it for the money but maybe
now I can do it on my own terms, no not maybe, I WILL
do it on MY terms.I will let you know how I'm getting on,
or perhaps not.