Saturday, October 04, 2008

Ground Rules

1 I am not going get re-addicted to Blogging.
2 I will only post when I feel like so doing and never put
myself under pressure to post.
3 Enjoyable as they are, I will not spend hours reading other
people's blogs.
4 I will not be a slut for visitors so I will not put a site-meter
on here.
5 I will not comment on other blogs from here, if people find
me, well and good, if not ........................................................
6 I reserve the right to add more rules should they become
necessary and to break these if I so choose.

Signed ; Ronnie.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

इ कोउल्ड वैरी एअसिल्य I could very easily get very pissed off

with this Blogger bollocks, and me after connecting up with

me ol' pal, the wonderful Doc. Maroon again.

इ दोन't know how the fuck this has happened but I can

now अप्परेंत्ल्य टाइप इन Hindi, how cool is that, me who

can barely speak English.

Friday, August 01, 2008


Now I've never burned or ruined rice in my life and lets face it,
how hard can it be to cook rice properly, for fucks sake, even
women can do it. Anyway, because of the project on which I'm
working at the moment ( I'll tell yis later ) my Master Chef
friend advised me to invest in a Rice Cooker and I have to
admit that I'd never heard of such a thing until this week when
I saw one advertised in the Lidl Leaflet, God, I'm a sucker for
all the little gizmos they produce every week, all the little
things ( Web-Cam, Dimmer-Switches, Ratchet sets, Drills, Fire-
Extinguishers, etc. etc.) that I never realised I needed so very
urgently. He ,the Chef, was talking about the Industrial ones
the Chinks use, up to 10 Litres capacity, for, as he says, the one
time that you urgently need and have to have rice is the time
you'll make a Bollix of it.
Which is how I came to buy one today in Lidl ( 1.7 lt. for 18 euro )
and of course I gave it a lash tonight, including the steamer bit.
All I can say is that it did exactly as it said on the tin, 'cept I
overcooked the steamed veggies ( carrots, celery and cauliflower)
by putting them in at the same time. Even the Shitty Basmati rice
that Lidl sells turned out allright, I never use it, much preferring
the Brown Basmati that you get in a Health Food shop, but not
Organic or Free-Trade, fuck no, stuff is expensive enough as it
is, and I reckon it all comes out of the same sack anyway. As I
said somewhere else, when I was in the business I never bought
Free-range Chicken or Eggs, but I always SOLD them.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ground Rules

Now here's the thing, I seem, for one reason or another to be
getting dragged back, kicking and screaming to blogging again.
There was no one single reason why I stopped doing it before,
but the main reason, I suspect, is that it had become such a
FUCKING chore, trying to come up with the goods every
day, with fuck-all to show for it.
I was too lazy to start a new blog so I resurrected this old
one that I tried out back in the days, and I was looking at
Blunt Cogs the other day and was surprised to see " Like
Chicken" as a linked blog so I suppose I'll be found sooner
than later and this new Google thing has me linked to" Anti"
as well. In fairness though, I do/did miss all the smashing
people I met in our little corner of the Blogosphere

Friday, July 25, 2008


I've been doing some research today, there, I think I like
italics better, no that wasn't the research which I will
tell you more about some other time. The thing is that
I accidently came across Samphire which I have been
looking for for about 3 years ever since I came across
it in some now-forgotten recipe. It was on a stand at
a Farmer's Market at Leopardstown Racecourse. It
cost 20 Euro per Kilo, so I only bought a tenner's worth
in case it was crap.

It wasn't, I lightly boiled it and served it with Butter,
rather like you would with Mangetout or French Beans
and it was all I had expected and hoped it would be,
lush, scrunchy with a really fresh salty flavour. The
only thing was that we had it with Chicken ( Honey-
glazed with Rosemary if you must know) and it would
be much better served with fish.

We also bought some Durrus Cheese because for one,
I like it and also I like Durrus itself and visit there, not
often enough as I have a Sister who lives there.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Time for Divilment

I am totally fed-up at the moment and am seriously
considering going back to work.I know that in the past
I found it ( work) to be extremely time-consuming and,
to be honest, I only ever did it for the money but maybe
now I can do it on my own terms, no not maybe, I WILL
do it on MY terms.I will let you know how I'm getting on,
or perhaps not.